The Creation of the Heaven and Earth. But if cloud there were, there was no vitality in that; it was only a symbol made use of by the vitalizing Agent to intimate that He was present. T. M. Herbert, Sketches of Sermons, p. 1. 3. The primeval chaos that characterized this early phase of our planet is most significant. Jeremiah 4:23-27). And, first: all life begins chaotically. (See Deuteronomy 32:11.) Every object was in its right place, every vegetable process going on in season, every animal in its structure and instincts suited to its mode of life and its use in the economy of the world. was. Romans 8:5, Romans 8:9, Romans 8:14. ; favored this view. ), and was written to counter Babylonian mythology and to give captive Israel hope in a time of despair. Hence, it means to be manifestly, so that eye-witnesses may observe the signs of existence. [Note: For a good explanation of the gap theory, as well as the atheistic evolution, theistic evolution, progressive creation, and fiat creation views, see James M. Boice. The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. The material chaos is but a faint image of this deeper spiritual chaos; but taking it as such, we may ask, Does God leave the world in this chaos of degradation and woe? Could we “have commanded the morning, and caused the day spring to know its place”? The Spirit moves (John 3:3-8. The Bible speaks of the Spirit as the power or mind of … Mark! Nor is the Spirit merely the author of light, purity, and order, in the formation of the new creature, but life itself: that which is essential to the exercise and enjoyment of all other endowments in His special gift. This is a waw disjunctive, not a waw consecutive. The Spirit of God moved (מרחפת, brooding, comp. The Bible should be read--the ordinances of religion should be attended--the duties of prayer, and devout meditation and reflection, should be solemnly and uninterruptedly discharged; but other means, without the accompanying and moving energies of the Spirit, will be found ineffectual. What evidences are these of volcanic agency, while other elevations, due possibly to the same mighty power, astound him who steadily contemplates them, by their rectilinear extent. The two primary words for "create" (bara and asah used respectively in Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:25) refer to two different kinds of creativity. How did that shapeless mass become such a world as this? Creation takes place through His word, not through a wind). Jeremiah 4:23-27; Isaiah 24:1; Isaiah 45:18 clearly indicate that the earth had undergone a cataclysmic change as the result of divine judgment. Genesis 1:3-31 explain the process of creation by which God formed what was formless and filled what was void. It also shows his insight into the works of God. Genesis 1:24-31 . Response. This state of things is finished in reference to the event about to be narrated. In every instance, after first positing a general statement of his subject, the writer proceeds to narrate the details which his statement involves. For the absolutely one, the pure monad that has no internal relation, no complexity of quality or faculty, is barren, and must remain alone. In the Old Testament it is only used in connection with ‘tohu’ (three times). ], "an easy explanation for the fossil strata. But the fact that he speaks of ‘the face of the deep’ demonstrates that it is apart from God. ], Problem: It seems unusual that God would create the earth formless and then form it. [Note: For a creationist explanation of the ice ages, see Ken Ham, Andrew Snelling, and Carl Wieland, The Answers Book, pp12-13, 77-87. 4. divided the light from darkness--refers to the alternation or succession of the one to the other, produced by the daily revolution of the earth round its axis. “It is our part to preach Christ, but it is the Spirit’s office to convince “of sin, righteousness, and judgment.” The Spirit Himself is the foundation of all spirituality. From what we see of heaven and earth, we learn the power of the great Creator. 128. p. 91. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Response. And God saw that it was good. What noble examples there have been among men, of righteousness, faithfulness, and love--the very attributes of God--yet we feel man has not realized the greatness and goodness that he may. It is, in fact, nothing; not merely no “thing,” but absolutely naught. I. Desolate. And the clause itself stands between two others which refer to the land, and not to any other part of occupied space. Not peopled with great thoughts. However there are several indications in the Old Testament that informed Israelites identified the Spirit as God (cf. Verily, humanity, compared with its latent, transcendent possibilities, is indeed a chaos, without form, and void, and darkness is over its deep. 2.And the earth was without form and void — Having stated in the first verse the great fact of the creation, the writer now proceeds to unfold the manner and order of that creation. “Tohu” is used in both Hebrew and Arabic to indicate a waste place. in Vita Thaletis, p. 18. In such a condition all waters would have been driven into the earth's atmosphere. Thus, when we consider the works of the Holy Spirit, how lovely does He himself appear to us!--how worthy of our highest adoration and gratitude! Some conservative scholars believe that, though the Spirit was really the third person of the Trinity, people living during the Old Testament period did not associate the Spirit with God Himself. A farther advance was made by the creation of terrestrial animals, all the various species of which are included in three classes: (1) cattle, the herbivorous kind capable of labor or domestication. Darkness covers it: we have neither the faculty of vision to descry, nor light to illuminate spiritual objects. Thousands of small pits are there, and, as certainly, immense chasms, whose flattened interiors rival a congeries of English counties, while stupendous ridges and peaks encompass them, standing out like the Apennines and Pyrenees, and sometimes transcending the loftiest eminences of the Alps. What its previous condition was, or what interval of time elapsed, between the absolute creation and the present state of things, is not revealed. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. It is the office of the Spirit of God alone to produce light and order in the dark and chaotic soul. in Vita Anaxagor. Face of the waters— The same with the face of the deep, the abyss just mentioned, the terraqueous unformed mass: which perhaps may the rather be called waters, as the earthy particles, being the heaviest, would naturally sink to the center; and the watery, in consequence, would occupy the superficies of the mass. d. Rather here, as is normal, the conjunction indicates a break in the consecutive order of events and introduces a circumstantial (independent) clause ( Genesis 1:2) that describes something in a preceding clause ( Genesis 1:1). Hence, the settled condition of the land, expressed by the predicates “a waste and a void,” is in studied contrast with the order and fullness which are about to be introduced. The complex, systematic order that characterized it later could never have evolved from chaos. And. They thought of the Spirit as a power or influence of God. II. The big thing that appears in this verse is the abundant water supply, one of the principle prerequisites of life in any form. In this condition we are utterly unfit for the service of God here, and the presence of God hereafter--unfit for communion with God by prayer and devout meditation--unfit for the suitable and acceptable discharge of any one of the duties of God’s worship--unfit for life--unfit for death. This globe, at some undescribed period, having been convulsed and broken up, was a dark and watery waste for ages perhaps, till out of this chaotic state, the present fabric of the world was made to arise. 1. Vajikra Rabba, sect. Were we now to take away, I say, from the earth all that God added after the time here alluded to, then we should have this rude and unpolished, or rather shapeless chaos. The children of God were “at one time darkness, but now are light in the Lord; “ “they walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8); they are “called out of darkness into marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9); they are “delivered from the power of darkness” (Colossians 1:13); they “cast off the works of darkness, and walk honestly as in the day” (Romans 13:12-13). . Of such a condition of the earth, a definite idea may be formed by an examination of the moon’s surface--a very chaos of explosive action. This denied on pain of death, Genesis 2:17. Like many Hebrew words it conveys its meaning by its sound as well as by its interpretation. No expression can more strikingly point out the state of an unawakened, unregenerated soul, than that of darkness covering it. The disorder and desolation, we are to remember, are limited in their range to the land, and do not extend to the skies; and the scene of the creation now remaining to be described is confined to the land, and its superincumbent matter in point of space, and to its present geological condition in point of time. l. 1. It was not in the form it now is, otherwise it must have a form, as all matter has; it was a fluid matter, the watery parts were not separated from the earthy ones; it was not put into the form of a terraqueous globe it is now, the sea apart, and the earth by itself, but were mixed and blended together; it was, as both the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem paraphrase it, a waste and desert, empty and destitute of both men and beasts; and it may be added, of fishes and fowls, and also of trees, herbs, and plants. It is not now a region of land and water, but a chaotic mass of turbid waters, floating over, it may be, and partly laden with, the ruins of a past order of things; at all events not at present possessing the order of vegetable and animal life. I. The chaos was a hideous mixture of all discordant materials--earth and water; mud and rock; vegetable and mineral; mire, slime, lees, scum, clay, marl, crag, and pool. This may be true of the world of the soul. 2 Corinthians 5:17, 2 Corinthians 5:18). The best way to judge of things aright is to consider them in their first original. And the earth was without form, and void— In its first state the earth, or the whole of the terraqueous globe, was a mere confused chaos, without any regular form, or without any of its present furniture, plants, trees, animals, &c. Darkness on the face of the deep— Every thing was yet in a stagnant, black, and unformed state; and the whole face of the deep, or vast abyss of primordial matter, was inveloped in total darkness: there was an absolute privation of all light. [Note: John Whitcomb and Henry Morris, The Genesis Flood, p92.] A preadamic race of humans inhabited this original creation. This may be true of the world of matter. Look at the moral and spiritual nature of men. Bibliotheca Sacra149:595 (July-September1992):316-23; and596 (October-December1992):411-27; Targum Neofiti; et al. The last clause introduces a new and unexpected clement into scene of desolation. Darkness.—As light is the result either of the condensation of matter or of vibrations caused by chemical action, this exactly agrees with the previous representation of the chaos out of which the earth was to be shaped. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. The statement, so often made, that the conjunction and (ו ) at the beginning of Genesis 1:2 forbids the supposition that Genesis 1:1 is a summary of the whole chapter, is seen to be futile by a comparison of the immediate sequence of other headings of sections named above. "and") is a conjunction that indicates consecutive occurrences. He commanded and all things stood fast" [ Psalms 33:9 ]. Thank God, there is. so high that there is fitness in speaking of God’s image in them as a real kinship of nature with God. Evangel. Under these circumstances it becomes a question of supreme and paramount importance, whether a renovating process has been commenced upon us--whether, under the influence of the salutary motions of the Spirit of God, we have made it our endeavour to cleanse ourselves from all impurity of flesh and spirit, and to perfect holiness in the fear of God--whether the various streams of thought, feeling, and conduct, are gradually purifying from their drossy and turbid aspect, and whether our whole character from day to day becomes more thoroughly assimilated to the Divine image, and assumes more of the complexion and the hue of heaven. 2.And the earth was without form and void. as did Arthur W. Pink. God created it good. The account of this new creation properly begins at the end of this second verse; and the details of the process are described in the natural way an onlooker would have done, who beheld the changes that successively took place. III. The soul life of many lacks architecture. The commentary on this page is also available as a PDF. The Spirit of God was the first Mover; He moved upon the face of the waters - He moved upon the face of the deep, as the hen gathereth her chicken under her wings, and hovers over them, to warm and cherish them, Matthew 23:37 as the eagle stirs up her nest, and fluttereth over her young, ('tis the same word that is here used) Deuteronomy 32:11. But, further, the word here translated “moved,” literally means settled or brooded, and it is understood by some to express that act of the Holy Spirit by which He imparted life and activity. Chalmers" purpose was to harmonize Scripture with Scripture, not Scripture with science. It may be worth while to observe here, how much the heathens have borrowed of their theogony from the account given by Moses: Chaos and darkness, according to them, were in the beginning: Love, or a plastic spirit, brooded over this chaos, as over an egg: and from water, many of their greatest philosophers derived the beginning of all things. Unless God acts the universe such as it is will remain forever dark. a. Sarah lived one hundred and twenty-seven years: Sarah is the only woman in the Bible whose age at death is recorded.This gives us some measure of how highly she is regarded in the Bible. And darkness was on the face of the deep. P. Stanley, Church Sermons, vol. 2. The Spirit of God; not the wind, which was not yet created, as is manifest, because the air, the matter or subject of it, was not yet produced; but the Third Person of the glorious Trinity, called the Holy Ghost, to whom the work of creation is attributed, Job 26:13, as it is ascribed to the Second Person, the Son, John 1:3 Colossians 1:16-17, Hebrews 1:3, and to the First Person, the Father, every where. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The faith of humble Christians understands this better than the fancy of the most learned men. Lactant, de falsa Relig. Evangel. The translators have rendered it this way in many other places in the Old Testament. Hence, matter cannot be a creator. By the fatal shock which it received in Eden, the whole system has been disorganized. To the Israelite the deep itself was a mystery. The phrase, “In the beginning,” “anticipates the ‘end’ of the universe and … From God are all our helpers. "was") can and should read "became." We should be sure we understand both Nature and Scripture before we pronounce certainly on their agreement or disagreement, and it can hardly be said that either is quite understood. There are two basic theories of the creation process that have grown out of interpretations of Genesis 1:2. The air was thus "in the midst of the waters," that is, separated them; and this being the apparent use of it, is the only one mentioned, although the atmosphere serves other uses, as a medium of life and light. ], [Note: Modern Science and the Genesis Record, 1941. This deep was the incomprehensibly mysterious described in terms of what was indescribable, that which was formless and shapeless and waiting for God to give it shape, and form, and significance. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: that is, the earth lay a hideous, barren, and desolate heap; as a waste, howling wilderness, earth and sea mingled together. What power in the word of God! These two words are not so distinct. And in what did this image of God consist? In one word, the chaotic state of man’s soul before God can only be restored to light, warmth, order, beauty, and life by the working of the Divine Spirit, through applying “the truth as it is in Christ Jesus” as the means. 12. , and others; and this is agreeably to the notion of various nations. It should be noted that this description already assumes a kind of ‘heaven’ where the Spirit is hovering, but not our heaven. deep, from its vast bulk and depth; and waters, from its outward face and covering. 1. 3. ], Some scholars believe that references to the Spirit of God in the Old Testament indicate the power or influence of God, not the third person of the Trinity. Compare its use in Deuteronomy 32:11 of a bird hovering over its young. Vocabulary: Advocates translate and interpret the key Hebrew words the same as in view2. The Hebrew word here rendered moved, is used, Deuteronomy 32:11, of the eagle fluttering over her young, and of fowls brooding over their eggs and young ones, to warm and cherish them: but, we must remember, that the expression, as here used, is purely metaphorical, and must not be considered as conveying any ideas that are unworthy of the infinite and spiritual nature of the Holy Ghost. Try pronouncing the Hebrew quickly and deeply (pronouncing toe - hoo wah boe -hoo). You have seen, then, an exact representation of the fallen state of man, and what the Word and Spirit of God, and these only, can do for him. God seems at first to have created the elementary principles of all things; and this formed the grand mass of matter, which in this state must be without arrangement, or any distinction of parts: a vast collection of indescribably confused materials, of nameless entities strangely mixed; and wonderfully well expressed by an ancient heathen poet: -. That is not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural: then that which is spiritual. 156. God had no design to form creatures for misery, but for happiness, as the apostle declares when speaking of the Christian dispensation: “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain mercy by Jesus Christ.” So here He had determined to make man; but to make him, not a child of sorrow, but a comfortable and happy creature: He therefore first begins, with infinite goodness, to prepare him a pleasant and goodly dwelling place. Furthermore, he used bara of the creation of some animals ( Genesis 1:21) and asah of the creation of other animals ( Genesis 1:25). Others, a certain occult principle, termed the anima mundi or soul of the world. . This is Adam’s experience of creation, which does not contradict the account of Genesis 1:1-2:7 – it fills it out. . Response. ., p20.] The first recorded step in the process of fashioning the earth into the form in which it now appears was God"s remarkable utterance, "Let there be light" [ Genesis 1:3]." God accomplished the final act of creation week by resting from the work He’d been doing. Rather, Genesis 1:2 in some way clarifies Genesis 1:1. By the creation of an atmosphere, the lighter parts of the waters which overspread the earth's surface were drawn up and suspended in the visible heavens, while the larger and heavier mass remained below. God began creating the earth good. [Note: Young, et al. "He spake and it was done. This is true of the world of soul. It is true of physical life. However its use in the Pentateuch helps us understand the writer"s intent in using this term here. Bara usually refers to primary creative activity. This change, then, from darkness to light, from barrenness to fruitfulness, from confusion to peace, from sin to holiness and loveliness, and happiness, in short “from the power of Satan unto God,” this change is needed in all, and none can be saved without it; and it is the work of the Word and Spirit of God: none other can do it; none other has any part in it. They were therefore to the writer a perfect symbol of unformed existence. ], "We would affirm that the first verse serves as a broad comprehensive statement of the fact of creation. but did not emphasize it. Whitelaw assures us that the term for "moved" actually means "brooded" as in the older versions; and it means "to be tremulous with love. There is special fitness in the words employed, “The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” It indicates the quiet untiring ways in which God works in the heavens and the earth. App-6. l. 15. p. 491. : and AristotleF19Metaphysic. "[2] The Spirit here is the Blessed Holy Spirit, concerning whom much more information appears in the N.T. The remainder of the universe is not in mind. Also, in Romans 5:12 we read that death is the result of Adam's sin. ; idem, Genesis; Ross; Sailhamer, [Note: Sailhamer, "Exegetical Notes . The most powerful ministry is simply that which is the most spiritual, which most prays in the Spirit, preaches in the Spirit, lives in the Spirit, and most constantly insists upon congregations seeking the Spirit, and resting on His gifts and graces as their only source and secret of edification. It is further to be noted that the darkness is described to be on the face of the deep. ‘The deep’ - ‘tehom’ (in Ugaritic ‘thm’) means ‘the deeps’, thus usually referring to the oceans and seas. (Calmet) --- If we compare their writings with the books of Moses and the prophets, we shall find that they agree in many points. "Waters" is also capable of being interpreted the same way as "deep." ), The inability of chaos apart from God to evolve order, It would be unphilosophical to hold that chaos evolved from herself the order that everywhere appears. The death of Sarah. The Targums are expanded translations of the Old Testament made during the Babylonian captivity in the Aramaic language.]. “It is the Spirit that quickeneth, and the Spirit giveth life: the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit,” because He spake in the Spirit, lived in the Spirit, and commanded His disciples “to wait” for the Spirit, before they commenced their ministry, that they might be “endued with power from on high.” That is the only power still to convert souls. (1) The death of Sarah. It was, as OvidF11"Quem dixere chaos, rudis indigestaque moles", Ovid Metamorph. Explanation: We should take Genesis 1:1 the same as in view2. (v. The Chinese make a chaos to be the beginning of all things, out of which the immaterial being (God) made all things that consist of matter, which they distinguish into parts they call Yin and Yang, the one signifying hidden or imperfect, the other open or perfectF14Martin. . l. 1. p. 5. : and so the Egyptians, according to Diodorus SiculusF15Bibliothec. Man’s employment, Genesis 2:15. Along with the sky and its conspicuous objects the land then known to the primeval man formed the sum total of the observable universe. Summary: Though many evangelicals still hold the gap theory, few Hebrew scholars do because the Hebrew grammar does not favor a chronologically sequential reading of Genesis 1:1-2. Verse two describes the earth as it came from the hands of the Creator and as it existed at the time when God commanded the light to shine forth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Motion, which is the essential element in change, originates with God"s dynamic presence." Because the rock layers display death on a grand scale, they could not have existed before the fall of Adam. We cannot picture it all; to do so would be to have present to the mind what human society has been and is--the crimes, the woes, the degradation, and shame, of generations of human lives and hearts. The great Spirit, who was thus the primary agent in kindling material nature into life, is also the author of that higher life which pervades the new creation. We should interpret the chaos (tohu wa bohu) as an evil condition (not necessarily so). 5. [Note: Waltke, Creation and . Note that all that was outside of God and was visible was described as ‘the deep’, and that everything that happens is seen from the point of view of earth. The immediate agency of the Spirit, by working on the dead and discordant elements, combined, arranged, and ripened them into a state adapted for being the scene of a new creation. View the entire commentary God separates the earth from the waters, and makes it fruitful. Genesis 1:1 reveals the creation of a perfect heaven and earth very different from what we see around us now. Amid all the varieties found among men, some black, some copper-colored, others white, the researches of modern science lead to a conclusion, fully accordant with the sacred history, that they are all of one species and of one family ( Acts 17:26 ). Isaiah 24:1; Isaiah 45:18; Jeremiah 4:23). In the beginning--a period of remote and unknown antiquity, hid in the depths of eternal ages; and so the phrase is used in Proverbs 8:22 Proverbs 8:23 . This supports the badness of the condition that resulted from Satan"s rebellion. 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