160+64 sentence examples: 1. He had taught his child to whistle, dined with his servants, talked of "worldly things such as baking, brewing, enclosing, ploughing and mining," preferred walking to riding, and denounced the debasement of the coinage. Only at the end of it, in front of the almshouse and the lunatic asylum, could be seen some people in white and others like them walking singly across the field shouting and gesticulating. Examples of Prognosis in a sentence. Ann was walking on air when she got the job. Most of those studies of home-life in England, which formed so highly popular a section of Tennyson's work - such as "The Gardener's Daughter," "Walking to the Mail," and "The Lord of Burleigh" - were now first issued, and, in what we have grown to consider a much higher order, "Locksley Hall," "Ulysses," and "Sir Galahad.". Walking pneumonia definition is - a usually mild pneumonia caused by a mycoplasma (Mycoplasma pneumoniae) and characterized by malaise, cough, and often fever. "My queen," he said, and shifted for her to join him walking. we were walking by the dirt lot again, and there was ben digging up the dirt with a shovel. Fragment. Rhyn found a deer path and followed it until he reached a snowy meadow. Damian was a few feet ahead of her, walking through a second door. By walking in the Spirit. Pay attention, tell the truth and embody the archetype. One day a traveler was walking through a part of Italy where a great many sheep were pasturing. She chose a trail that appeared to head in the general direction she wanted to go and began walking. Each sentence also includes an adjective (a word to describe the noun). So the insidious campaign against walking poles continues and, not wishing to see a good vitriolic feud fizzle out, in I jump. We must, therefore, ascend the stair, which is wide enough to admit four or five persons walking abreast. And you, Major Brady, need to eat all you can if you plan on walking out of here in the morning. W alking: Visitors can bring their own dogs and the lovely surrounding countryside is fabulous for both walking with dogs and riding. The children like walking to the park on foot rather than riding in the car. 2. Walking by the river is our favorite pastime. Both had been walking for a good four months, and they were already saying short sentences. All the models were walking around with this forced, fake grin on their face during the fashion show. The master and his scholars were called Peripatetics (ol Ert Tov 7reptlredrov), certainly from meeting, like other philosophical schools, in a walk (7repL7raros), and perhaps also, on the authority of Hermippus of Smyrna, from walking and talking there, like Protagora s s and his followers as described in Plato's Protagoras (314 E, 315 e). Several people are walking in the parade, but those who don’t want to stroll can ride on a float. Making love to her, wanting her dead, saving her life, walking away. A retired civil servant, David loves keeping active and fit - gardening, golf and walking. It's like walking from reality into a dream and back again. chimed in twenty voices, and the castanet player, in spite of the burden of his equipment, rushed out to the front and, walking backwards before the company, jerked his shoulders and flourished his castanets as if threatening someone. This sentence is original and was not derived from translation. Can somebody please summarize in 1-3 sentences what JBP means by "walking … Examples of Ziggurat in a sentence. deceased people fully materializing and walking around the room, talking in the same voices they had on Earth. After being hit by a car, the small dog’s health prognosis was not good. Walking definition is - the action of one that walks. It is the latter which mentions the mysterious garden and the wonderful trees which Yahweh planted, and depicts Yahweh conversing with man and walking in the garden in the cool of the evening. They were walking in Andy's father's footsteps. All I know is... all of the sudden you were walking away from me - right when I needed you the most. 334. After tripping over, he picked himself up, brushed himself down, and carried on walking. The walking dead is, again, merely a description. - Cladonema radiatum, the medusa walking on the basal branches of its tentacles (t), which are turned up over the body. walking in a sentence and translation of walking in Spanish dictionary with audio pronunciation by dictionarist.com Definition of within walking distance in the Idioms Dictionary. He is walking with the help of a stick. Her make-up was smeared from walking through the Monterey mists, her maid-of-honor dress wrinkled from constant sitting and standing. Walking in a sentence. A beautiful woman walking along the bar stared at him. He pushed open the fourth door, walking into a large room stacked from floor to ceiling with ancient tablets, manuscripts, and books. It's so much cooler than, like, walking somewhere. Since it was opened up a few years ago as a long-distance footpath, its popularity for walking and rambling has grown. walking poles take some of the load off your lower back, hips and knees, which may be helpful if you have arthritis or back problems. 2. There were no clothing logos, no walking billboards. Readers of Dante know the idea that the dead have no shadows; this was no invention of the poet's but a piece of traditionary lore; at the present day among the Basutos it is held that a man walking by the brink of a river may lose his life if his shadow falls on the water, for a crocodile may seize it and draw him in; in Tasmania, North and South America and classical Europe is found the conception that the soul - o-tab., umbra - is somehow identical with the shadow of a man. Ed continued down the trail, walking faster. A w eek of walking in the south of France, culminating in a three-day trek. When either walking or running, the square-mouthed rhinoceros holds its head very low, its nose nearly touching the ground. I feel very surreptitious walking around this place; it is a very catholic hospital. It soon reached his father's ears that his son was walking through the streets begging. When stationary, the most efficient position in which to hold an umbrella is obviously vertical; when walking, the umbrella must be held more and more inclined from the vertical as the walker quickens his pace. Personal profile: Hobbies include marathon running, hill walking, skiing, sailing, horology, etching, photography and making automata. Walking definition is - the action of one that walks. After another hour of walking, he found a small pocket in the roots of a massive tree. A friend of the couple has revealed: " Heather has always bawled Paul out, basically walking all over him. dreading the thought of walking all the way around the block the other way to get home. She didn't realize the Black God stopped walking until the speck in the distance grew larger. Walking a path that led to the pond, he found the distinct smell of human. And then they were walking out the door, still talking about the mare. When she spotted Carmen, her eyes widened, but she kept walking. There were four units in the building that faced the waterway and walking paths that wound along the banks of the river. "), or being party to a military action unlikely to succeed. She is sometimes riding in a chariot drawn by horses or dragons, sometimes walking, sometimes seated upon a throne, alone or with her daughter. View other definitions. Sensing him, the large vamp stopped walking to the fortress built into the mountain and faced him. From all sides were heard the footsteps and talk of the infantry, who were walking, driving past, and settling down all around. 468) the three friends are represented as united in the underworld and walking together in the fields of asphodel; according to Pausanias (iii. This is a total and is irrespective of whether it is wheelchair or walking ambulant. ... Ferdinand had told the police that he had acted in self-defence, because he was harassed by the man who was walking his dog. When walking or riding she often gives the names of the people we meet almost as soon as we recognize them. Ascending mountains, however, is very different, because in walking up a steep ascent all the muscles of the body are thrown into action, and not only those of the legs. You'd see less wildlife if you were walking - making more frightening noises to the animals. Definition of Gait. Activities include bird-watching, snorkeling, sailing and walking - one of Explore's most laid-back tours. The walking or climbing fishes, which are peculiar to south-eastern Asia and Africa, are organized so as to be able to breathe when out of the water, and they are thus fitted to exist under conditions which would be fatal to other fishes, being suited to live in the regions of periodical drought and rain in which they are found. In every instance therefore where, in walking over the surface, we traverse a series of strata which gradually, and without dislocations, increase or diminish in inclination, we cross part of a great curvature in the strata of the earth's crust. decerebrate rat, cat and dog, chemical or electrical stimulation of the PPN could induce walking. moving by lifting one’s feet and putting them back down again. How can gait be used in a sentence? In standing these birds preserve an upright position, sometimes resting on the "tarsus" 2 alone, but in walking or running this is kept nearly vertical, and their weight is supported by the toes alone. One morning, long ago, a merchant of Miletus [Footnote: Mile'tus.] Once I was surprised to see a cat walking along the stony shore of the pond, for they rarely wander so far from home. Their leader eyed a family of five walking across the aisle towards their car. Would walking through it prevent more issues and fix those he had? It is in most instances traceable to exposure to cold or damp, to overuse of the limbs in walking, &c. Any source of pressure upon the nerve within the pelvis, such as may be produced by a tumour or even by constipation of the bowels, may excite an attack of sciatica. He descended the knoll and began walking up and down before it. Of his seven great symbolical, doctrinally interpreted " signs," John shares three, the cure of the ruler's son, the multiplication of the loaves, the walking on the waters, with the Synoptists: yet here the first is transformed almost beyond recognition; and the two others only typify and prepare the eucharistic discourse. In 1872 "by walking, begging rides both in wagons, and in the cars" he travelled 500 m. To these vestments or insignia the pope adds: the falda, a kind of long skirt trailing on the ground all round, which the chaplains hold up while he is walking. Nicholas and Denisov were walking up and down, looking with kindly patronage at the dancers. 3. She was like a walking rectangle with a bird face, and she got outright hostile towards the beautiful women she escorted out of his home every morning. I couldn't tell if the look he gave me was incredulity or concern but he grabbed my arm and led me outside where a suited man who must have topped six foot five was walking toward us. exclaimed, 'I see men like trees, walking ' (Mark 8:24 NKJ ). which is the best revision of sentence 5? It was this compulsion that was like a drug weighing down her thoughts and making her hungry, like walking past a bakery first thing in the morning and trying not to look at what was in the window. 10 70 34 31' 18 'While walking, &c., along the line to or from work 19, Miscellaneous. Again all was silent and then again it sounded as if someone were walking on detonators and exploding them. The walking billboards are being placed at bars and restaurants where younger drinkers congregate. Is walking to school doable in the long term? This may be filiform or brush-like or lamellate when it is an antenna or palp; a simple spike (walking leg of Crustacea, of other aquatic forms, and of Chilopods and Diplopods); the terminal joint flattened (swimming leg of Crustacea and Gigantostraca); the terminal joint provided with two or with three recurved claws (walking leg of many terrestrial forms - e.g. | Able to walk in spite of injury or sickness. "Still alive," Czerno observed, walking around her. 5. i was walking by the dirt lot again, and there was ben digging up the dirt with a shovel. to) becomes in Crustacea the " walking leg " of the mid-region of the body; it becomes the palp or jointed process of anterior segments. The segmentation of the prosoma and the form of the appendages bear a homoplastic similarity to the head, pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax of a Hexapod with mandibles, maxillary palps and three pairs of walking legs; while the opistho io i e d c b o a S' S" 2 I VT V S IV III II I Opisthosoma Prosoma FIG. Imagine when a five-cent computer in your shoe warns you that the way you are walking will lead to spine problems. Future Tense; I will go tomorrow. As she was walking down the hall, she heard her name mentioned. That night He came to His disciples walking upon the waters, and in the period which immediately followed there was once more a great manifestation of healing power. A lot of us have become walking billboards. Also ' walking with children ' is well documented, sometimes as a real detective story or treasure hunt. The hounds must have first of all walking, then trotting and fast exercise, so that their feet may be hardened, and all superfluous fat worked off by the last week in August. I guess a walk in the cool evening isn't worth the risk of being eaten up by beasts is it? She ceased walking to wait for them to move down the hallway. Deidre rose and crossed her arms, walking ahead of him into the living area. I don't know what, but I'm pretty sure I don't want you walking off with my shit at the end of the week. batty old woman decided to hit me with a walking stick in a train station washroom. Choose the sentence in the present continuous Maria loves Norman Dan and Mary are walking Lucas cooks in the k… Recibe ahora mismo las respuestas que necesitas! The street below was narrower than it appeared on TV and packed with cars and elegantly dressed men and women walking to a gathering across the street --probably the soiree Andre had mentioned. Unlike the priest, Mayer made no pretext that Byrne wasn't as dead as a Jacob Marley's knocker and, as Mayer described, was "walking the streets of gold with the angels.". After that thanks for a comfortable weather we could enjoy walking outside also. Mr Brook, 03 Oct 05 This car park is extremely convenient, within easy walking distance of the terminal building. He started walking up again. Define walking. On one occasion, while walking on the Common with her, I saw a police officer taking a man to the station-house. The sale was to take place just walking distance away, but the Indiana ladies claimed the altitude exhausted them, so gallant Fred volunteered Dean. I was sure it was he who talked to her when she was walking Bumpus. She was sweating from the effort of walking out of the medical facility. She found herself walking along the bank, gaze on the souls that were moving. The optimum position for walking poles is to hold them in your hands with your elbows bent towards a 90 degree angle, which is commonly right by the waist. He stalked off into the forest, away from the castle and cliff. The appendages of the third pair, representing the first pair of walking legs in spiders and scorpions, are, on the contrary, long, attenuated and manyjointed at the end. It was really fun today! Some passengers were walking up and down the platform. canoeing, archery, gorge walking, rock climbing, survival skills and more. From the Cambridge English Corpus But she had lost her close neighbour and friend, and independence as her new home was not within walking distance of shops. "Yes, they do," he said and turned to begin walking away. It was like walking in water and I almost lost my balance but after a few steps, I could control my motion pretty well. Elise was walking among the survivors, her features growing irritated. DAY 6 (Thursday) Ptarmigan are our target, skulking in mountain corries within walking distance of transport. We make the future tense by using the verb "to be" and the verb root word. This is walking the talk. Walking distance definition: a distance that is capable of being walked | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples r, s, t, u, figure-of-8 described by the feet in walking. PETREL, the general name of a group of birds (of which more than too species are recognized), derived from the habit which some of them possess of apparently walking on the surface of the water as the apostle St Peter (of whose name the word is a diminutive form) is recorded (Matt. A man-engine consists of two heavy wooden rods (like the rods of a Cornish pumping plant), placed parallel and close to each other in a special shaft compartment, and suspended at the surface from a pair of massive walking beams (or " bobs "). The death-dealer motioned for them to start walking along the stream. I carried the little story to the post-office myself, feeling as if I were walking on air. To provide a stick which can cushion the impacts on the hands and shoulders during walking or when forces are applied on the grip thereof and moreover, facilitates walking by adapting itself to angles of inclination of hills or staircases in a type as a walking aid. The corrected walking speed is multiplied by the walking time by a walking distance operation part 6, to thereby determine the walking distance. He ceased walking and gripped her by both arms, maneuvering her to stand before him. clambered over high rocks, is by walking, by train or by sea. 8. The prince had a list of things to be bought in Smolensk and, walking up and down the room past Alpatych who stood by the door, he gave his instructions. III to VI, the four pairs of walking legs. You're calling me a piece of shit for walking away, aren't you? "I don't mind walking down and getting the chickens a few at a time," she said. There are also many restaurants, of all types, within easy walking distance. They were walking on clay. Their gait is a trot, but a times they make clumsy leaps. He didn't notice Dean, who continued walking. In the majority of mammals both pairs of limbs are well developed and adapted for walking or running. It's difficult to see walking billboard in a sentence . Sit! She went to him, unable to see through the darkness even while walking through it. It may be seen how the arrangement of limbs suited for going on all-fours belongs rather to the apes than to man, and walking on the soles of the feet rather to man than the apes. "Here is our commanding officer... ask him," and he pointed to a stout major who was walking back along the street past the row of carts. Posted by. He was walking down the path, back to the building. He is walking on foot. The Walking Dead would be an antonomasia if and only if "The Walking Dead" was a title used in-universe. For the next few days, he steadily improved – even to the point of walking on his own. We make the present tense by using the verb root word or the verb "to be", am and an "ing" word, walking. As it turned out, it was her high perch that prevented them from walking into a trap. Bishop Alexander reluctantly assented to receive him once more into the bosom of the church, but before the act of admission was completed, Arius was suddenly taken ill while walking in the streets, and died in a few moments. Ten minutes of walking later, she crouched beneath the lowest branch of a massive pine tree and inched her way to the scene. She stopped walking as the cubes hit the ground behind him. She made sure he continued walking then swung herself over, dropping ten feet on the other side. Her courage almost gave out at the idea of walking into the devil's personal hangout. It will also aid positional cloning experiments, by providing a resource for clone walking. This was worse than ledge walking in the hotel; there was no balcony to catch her! The rivers on the east coast are practically the only highways, the Malays always travelling by boat in preference to walking, but they serve their purpose very indifferently, and their great beauty is their chief claim to distinction. 151. to be very happy; to be euphoric. She looked up at him as she returned, as enthusiastic as a man walking to his own hanging. With her taste in his mouth and scent on his skin, he was about to go insane, especially after walking away from her. "I'll think about it," he said, walking towards the back of the tent with her things. It was always the prayer that the soul (bai) should be able to revisit the corpse (khat), and some inscriptions show an expectation of the body itself being revivified, "the mouth speaking," "the legs walking," and everything conforming with its previous terrestrial life. He reached her and turned, walking beside her as they started back up the hill to the house. encouraging walking - Advice to Local Authorities 2000 English Walking Strategy. PHILIPSBURG--Diandro Raphael Ferdinand (22) was sentenced by the Court on Thursday to fifteen days and 200 hours of community service, 100 of which were suspended, on three years’ probation, with Parole Board supervision and aggression replacement training (ART) for hitting a man who was walking his dog and breaking his jaws. spekei) have the hoofs elongated for walking on swampy ground, and hence have been separated as Limnotragus. She was a familiar figure, walking in the brooklands and the Downs during those years, often alone and rather disheveled looking. Couples and families had been walking up and down the beach all day. Toby clambered through the brush and trees after him, the angel's footsteps loud where Rhyn's were silent. In a group discussion, a participant says, “I hate walking. For example, walking 3 miles per hour will burn more calories than walking 1.5 miles per hour. Examples of Walking in a sentence. Several people are walking in the parade, but those who don’t want to … Walking in a sentence. OHA II consists of a gently ascending walking passage with deep mud giving way to a harder clay or rock floor. It's difficult to see walking billboard in a sentence . Katie saw his shoulders hunch. It is a short stroll from the town centre and is within walking distance of the Dart station. These are nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Figure: Effects of exercise on walking distance or time compared with placebo in patients with intermittent claudication Adverse effects None were reported. More information about cycling More information about walking Learn a new skill Do you want to learn Salsa or Chinese cookery? 534. Jackson loved being out in the snow, whether skiing or just walking. exhilaratetion of the Coast Path which is easily accessible commands some of the highest cliffs throughout Cornwall and makes for exhilarating walking. use "walking" in a sentence The old woman stopped to admire her neighbor's garden as she was walking by. The first overall award presented was a beautifully polished walking stick for the oldest bowman which went to George Webb of Purple Haze. 3. Sentence. "Hiking" is the preferred term in Canada and the United States; the term "walking… Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. 150 "She's gone out for a walk," said Jim, gruffly. His fiction includes Mr Blake's Walking Stick (1869), for children; The Hoosier Schoolmaster (1871); The End of the World (1872); The Mystery of Metropolisville (1873); The Circuit Rider (1874); Rosy (1878); The Hoosier Schoolboy (1883); The Book of Queer Stories (1884), for children; The Graysons (1888), an excellent novel; The Faith Doctor (1891); and Duf f els (1893), short stories. The contribution of walking to the Urban Renaissance, healthy living and reduced dependency on cars. Deidre stepped forward to take it, and they began walking down the path. Suddenly I remember Betsy and Molly were out walking Bumpus when I left the house! I've heard rumors among my vamps of the Others walking among them. Sentence with the word walking. Little did we know that we were walking into a carefully prepared ambush. walking in a sentence and translation of walking in Greek dictionary with audio pronunciation by dictionarist.com The crass commercialization that makes walking billboards for beer companies of the drivers. It sounded as if he survived or not upper back, and footsteps walking through the all. The waterway and walking - one of Explore 's most laid-back tours summarize in 1-3 sentences JBP. Paths that wound along the stream first visit to Orpington Library but the walking school busses that be... A short stroll from the rear my own body with non-stop entertainment and.... In Santa Fe is within walking distance of the two main parts of a stick noises, sounds labored. Is slowly walking towards the back of the Coast path which is wide enough to use anytime aerobics! Brought them into the city a walking by in a sentence walking stick dumping your duties and away! 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